I mostly work with machine learning (specifically Computer Vision), with particular interests in Image/Video Classification (ViT, ResNeXt, etc), Object Detection (YOLO, SSD, RetinaNet, etc), Image Generation (GANs, Diffusion Models, etc), Image Segmentation (U-Net, SegNet, etc).
This simple website is written in pure HTML/CSS with TypeScript for adding these cool snow animatians (ATTENTION: just try clicking somewhere!), while the backend in Rust because this blazingly fast language allows to process tens of billions of requests per second on my tiny VPS using the Axum web-framework, PostgreSQL to store the data, and Nginx to reverse-proxy all connections.
I use Arch, because it's simple to configure, works flawlessly and blazingly fast on my gaming Asus ROG Flow X16. The Desktop Environment is GNOME because it's feature rich, intuitive, and Wayland already runs perfectly.
Additionally, I speak fluent Chinese and intermediate Spanish because learning languages allows one to grasp more ideas, and have different perspectives about the world.
Skills ⚒️
- Computer Vision, Image Generation, Image/Video Classification, Object Detection, 3D Reconstruction (NeRF)
- Rust, Python, C++, Go, SQL, bash, TypeScript
- PyTorch, OpenCV, Open3D, OpenCL, CUDA
- cmake, git, Docker, matplotlib, pandas, PostgeSQL
- Fluent in Chinese, English, and Spanish